Are you waste time purposelessly?

Signs You Can’t Achieve Your Dream Goal

This is why YOU are not achieving what you want in your life

Deep Kumaar Pandey


Often you have heard that few people achieve what they want but other people are not achieving what they expect or what they want.

Although all people have 24 hours per day then what is the extra they have which help them to achieve extra & unbelievable result.

Now you know what is that …right?

Ok, let me remind you if your mind still not hitting the reason.

They have extra time compared to ordinary or average mindset people

what! extra time 😕Just I said we all have 24 hours they how they get extra time.

Let me explain it to you. There are certain rules & signs which will help you to know how few people get the extra focused time to increase their productivity & profits.

Not Getting Out of Bed Immediately After Waking Up

I would like to ask a simple question to you, “Are you get out of bed as soon as you wake up?

If your answer is YES, congratulation.

But, if your answer is NO.

Just imagine for a moment, if you spend 30 to 45 mins in bed after waking up due to any XYZ reason, it can be using a mobile phone, checking WhatsApp or any chat messages, watching porn, going to other’ Facebook or Insta profile or watching reels and scrolling etc.

Don't you think you cant compete with those people who wake up at the same time & does exercise, meditation & write their goals and scheduling his/her day?

You must adopt this habit — “As soon as you wake up after a night of sleep, you should get out of bed.”

Not Having Any Specific Morning Rituals

Don’t you believe the below statement,

“TODAY is a new day, a new chance, a chance to do something different, better, bigger, or even smaller, you know, like different.”

Always remember, each day brings new opportunities & hopes with itself.

So whats ritual do you have after waking up?

One thing I promise you is after finishing this you will be not the same person but just stay tuned & read attentively.

Below are a few proven morning rituals that will help you drastically change your life, for sure.

How I am so confident in this because it helped me to change my life & I learned from my Mentor.

Start Your Day On A Good Note:

How you spend the first two hours of your day actually help you to outline the whole day. It keeps you focused, energetic & well organised to finish your work on time.

I start my day by seeing myself in the mirror & putting a smile on my face to tell myself that “You’re confident & smart to achieve what I want.”.

Make your bed

Most people don’t realise how important a ritual it is, Making your bed after waking up help you to start your day with doing organise your things in your life.

Psychologically it helps you to give mental satisfaction that you completed the first task to your day.


After hydrating yourself try to do Meditation at least for 5 to 10 mins.

Well. we all know the importance of meditation. People always try to be more productive, more confident, more focused and organised but tell me one thing:

What plays the most important part in achieving these things?

Your Mind, isn't it? Then why you don't give at least 10 mins to your mind to get more sharpened to cut the life problems easily.

Daily Goal Writing

After those rituals, you should write your daily goals.

What do I mean by daily Goals? 🤔

Ok, whatever you want to achieve write daily in the present tense. It can be anything (but it should be SMART Goal -Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)

  • Financial Goal
  • Relationship Gola
  • Health Goal
  • Spiritual Goal


  • I am earning $1400 per month (1 Lakh- write specific amount) consistently.
  • I am living in a beautiful house surrounded by greenery, 11 rooms set, one my personal office, one personal studio and a mediation room on 7 Dec 2025.
  • I am driving a brand new black Mercedes Benz C-class on 7 Dec 2026.
  • I live an extraordinary life and am grateful for that.

If you are earning $700 per month (INR 50,000) then you can achieve $7000 (5 Lakhs per month) in one shot.

You have to set a realistic & measurable & achievable goal like, Set the next goal for $1400 per month then next and next with a certain timeline. It is part of Goal Setting which we will learn in the next Article.

Reading Self-help/knowledgeable books (At least for 30 mins )

Who doesn’t want to expand their thought process and knowledge to do more better in their life?

Don’ you?

Book is most easiest and cheapest way to learn in your area of life. Also, Recherches confirmed that when we read the book attentively it helps as a powerful exercise to get more focused & build leaser like concentration.

There are many other benefits of reading books:

  • Gaining Expertise in your area
  • Increasing the knowledge
  • Better Writing Skills
  • Memory strengthen
  • Stronger Analytical Thinking Skills
  • Improved Focus and Concentration



Deep Kumaar Pandey

Host of "Think Extra-Ordinary Podcast" | Video Content Creator